Thursday, July 9, 2009

Little Bones

(Click on the picture above to get a closer look - really cool!)

A very good friend of the family, who obviously knows a lot about little boys, sent us a treasure box a few months ago filled with all of the things that William and Charlie love...pretty rocks, feathers, wooden thread spools, shells, paint brushes, a huge moth in an old cigar get the picture. We spent hours going through the box when we first got it, and the boys were thrilled to find a collection of bones and teeth from various animals and birds. The bones were carefully collected and laid in an old toy box that we had on hand that made for the perfect display case. Earlier this week, Charlie decided to take it out again for a look-see. Armed with magnifying glasses and a field guide, he set to work trying to figure out what everything was. I love watching this kind of exploration - completely kid-initiated, at their own pace, and focused on exactly the kind of thing that a little boy wants to learn about! Both William and Charlie are excited about the next collections day with our homeschool group so that they can share their treasures with all of their friends.

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