Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A New Look at an Old Trail

We had such a great day today, exploring a local forest trail with friends. We have been to this trail before, but only a time or two. The family that we went with goes there often, and have really made it their own. They were thrilled to show us around, and we all loved the guided tour. We saw snake hill (and three garter snakes), the tree hotel, the island, Yoda's hut, the hook, the tree maze, and a beautiful meadow where we stopped for lunch. Most of all, there were lots of trees to climb!!!

I loved watching the kids today (there were 6 in all) and how at home they were in the forest. They all virtually flew up the trees, exhilarated by how high they could climb, and the beautiful views from the top. When they were tired, they found a branch to stretch out on, or a sunny patch in the meadow to lay back in the grass. There was the occasional scratch and even a fall into the creak, but no tears - all part of a day in the woods. I am so thankful that we have the time and space to enjoy nature so close to home, and good friends to share it with.

I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines.
~Henry David Thoreau

How many kids can you spot in the tree?

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