Saturday, September 4, 2010


Maybe it is the fact that we have just returned from a whole week away at camp. Maybe it is the (dare I say it?) faintly autumnal chill in the air these past few days. Whatever it is, I am totally in the mood for homemaking. I know that it is something that we all do every day in one way or another. Today, though, it feels less like a chore and more like a calling, an instinct, something that I want to do.

These are the days that I gladly clean out the cupboard under the sink. I thrill at picking up a new-to-me basket from the thrift store to replace the old plastic Tupperware that houses my tea stash. I actually enjoy washing all of the bedding and folding blankets across the foot of each bed. These are the days that I plan big pots of soup using all of the fresh veggies in the fridge, and the canned goods that need clearing out of the pantry. I put an apple crisp into the oven as much for the smell as for the taste, and I sort through my knitting basket to organize the odds and ends that will someday turn into beautiful creations for my family and friends.

I know that we are barely into September. I truly do look forward to more hot and humid days spent at the beach or puttering in the garden. Still, the changing leaves (yes, it has started) and the chill in the air are also wonderful in their own way. Happy homemaking, everyone.

He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.

1 comment:

  1. If you are bored you can come clean out under my sink.
