Saturday, September 19, 2009

Soccer Gala

Today was the Soccer Gala for the boys' local soccer league...hundreds of kids in their uniforms, running around the fields, playing to their hearts content, showing off their trophies for participation, and munching on hot dogs care of the local Optimist Club. This was the first year that Charlie played (Williams third year) and they all had so much fun. By the end of the summer, he actually managed to kick the ball a few times (as opposed to picking dandelions, wrestling with his friends, or clinging to my lap...) I really think that this is one of the best 'sports' values for you parental buck. Our league is run by a local parent volunteers, so each child pays only $80 for 4 months of soccer, uniform, trophy, and with a hot dog thrown in!! Not only that, but the kids actually get some activity. The teams are small enough that each child is playing for 3/4 of each game, and even if they are not sure which goal to aim for yet . Not to mention the fact that virtually every kid in town plays, so it is a wonderful opportunity for the moms to catch up on our chit chat. Definitely a win-win.

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