Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sundaes on Sunday

I know that the more health-conscious of readers will cringe at this, but sometimes you just need sugar.  Or friends.  Or rest.  Or some combination of the three.

Today the boys were full of energy, and wanting more focused attention than I had it in me to provide.  They wanted to play, to explore, to go out, to build, to do something new, and I wanted to sit still.

So, we did the only thing that a mother can do in circumstances like that (assuming that yelling at the kids and locking yourself in the bathroom is not the solution of choice).  We decided to have a  Sunday Sundae party.

The boys invited their neighbourhood friends over for a quick pizza dinner, and then to make their own sundaes.  I provided the food, and the friends provided the entertainment - a rather nice exchange in my mind.  The kids all created sugar-filled masterpieces with ice cream, sauce, nuts, candy, chocolate chips, coconut and whipped cream, and then retreated to the basement to play and to burn off all of their newly acquired energy. 

As for me, I enjoyed almost 2 1/2 hours sitting on my butt with a book.

Win - win, wouldn't you say?

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